Web When you add soap to the mixture the hydrophobic end of the soap molecule breaks up the nonpolar oil molecules and the hydrophilic end of the soap molecule links up with the polar water molecules. The OH distance. Water Molecules Are Polar In Nature Water Molecules Are Basically H 2o Molecules Which Have Bent Shapes Also O Atom Water Molecule Molecules Hydrogen Bond When a chemical species is said to be polar this means that the positive and negative electrical charges are unevenly distributed. . Polar substances are not likely to dissolve to a. The soap molecules stand up on the surface as the polar carboxyl salt end is attracted to the polar water. This allows the water molecule to become attracted to many other different types of molecules. That gives the oxygen a negative charge and the hydrogens a positive charge creating a dipole. Web A good example of such a nucleophilic solvent is water and the solvolysis with ...